Monday, July 1, 2013

two years, seven months, three weeks

Dear Zachary,

Sorry for the delay. It's been pretty busy around here since the school year ended. We are into week three in your toddler bed and I. Really missing your crib. Mommy and daddy (usually daddy) has to sit with you every night until you fall asleep. Some nights, it takes 15-20 mins, other night's, it's up to an hour before you are snoozing. 

What I wanted to write to you about this week is your rapidly developing sense of humor. Sometimes the things you say totally throw us off guard and we all end up laughing hysterically. For example, this past weekend I introduced you to Mr. Potato head. We were on Skype with BobĂ© and grandpa and you were showing them your new toy. You said "it's not mr. Potato head! It's misterrrrrrr....banana head!" I have no idea where you came up with that, but it made us all laugh. You didnt stop there. Mr. Veggie burger head, mr. Potato kugel head, mr. Sofa head, were more of the names you came up with, among others. 

It's so much fun to watch you play and to see your creativity and fantasy develop. 

Lots of love to you, my funny man.


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