Friday, July 19, 2013

two years, eight months, two weeks

Dear Zachary,

Before I start this week's letter, I just want to acknowledge that Mommy seems to be having a hard time writing you these letters weekly recently. For that much, I'm sorry. You see, we've been very busy spending our days together, and I'd rather spend my time playing with you (despite your resistance to take naps) than writing my blog. 

I wanted to document for you some of the random things you've been saying lately. Maybe next week (or hopefully later this week), I'll write more about our recent vacation and your first trip to Sea World. But for now, here are some quotes and bit of conversations from the past few weeks which have brought me smiles and laughter. 

1. "Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O. And on that farm he had a dog...B I N G O!"
2. You: bye bye mommy, I'm going now!
Me: where are you going?
You: I'm going to Sesame Street. I see you later!
3. While sitting  on the airplane to CA, you: we're going on an airplane next week!
Me: no Zac, we're on an airplane right now. 
4. While listening to a youth jazz ensemble in Santa Monica "when my big, I will do that, mommy!"
5. Upon arriving at grandma's house in San Diego, "where are the camels?" (We've been talking about the San Diego zoo a lot...
6. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,17,18,19,18...(me: 20), 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39...30-10!
7. Me: Zac, we're on the freeway. You: where's the four-way?? Me: no Zac, it's not a THREE-way...
8. At 5:30am, you: "what should I do now?" Me: "put your head down and go back to sleep."
9. After throwing hard objects at my face, "Mommy, I want you to be angry!"
10. "I'm not taking a nap, I'm taking a bedtime!"
11. "The weasels on the bus go round and round"
12. "I want to listen to possible music"
13. "You made him a steak in the elevator"
14. "These keys are for shalom bayit, but I don't need to use them because somebody's already here."

And the most shocking and least favorite, 
15. "You need to buy me a little iPad."

Looking forward to hearing what will come out of your mouth next!

Love, mommy. 

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