Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"What my hair?"

It's a lot of fun to listen to you talk, especially when I have no idea what you're saying (which is really only a small percentage of the time). For the most part, your speech is pretty clear and people who don't speak 2 year old can understand you fairly easily. Other times, it takes me a few tries to decipher your language. You are generally pretty patient with me and will repeat yourself several times until I get it. 

For a few months, you've been saying "bacanuum" to refer to the vacuum cleaner. "I help mommy with the bacanuum today!" 

Or, most recently, and maybe my favorite so far, "what my hair??" Which translates to "what do I hear?" Or "what's that unfamiliar sound?" I have to admit, while you say this phrase quite often, I still ask you "what's wrong with your hair?!" and have to take a moment to remember you are not talking about your head. 

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