Wednesday, July 31, 2013

two years, eight months, four weeks

Dearest Zachary,

Mommy and Daddy are really trying to model for you appropriate ways to stand up for yourself so that when you are big, you will know how to stand up for yourself and for others. We want you to know which battles to pick, and which to just let go. We want you to feel strong and use your words so that you can explain yourself and what you need and want. We want you to know how to listen to what others need and what they want and come to a compromise. We want you to feel good about yourself and your capabilities and support others as they discover and develop theirs.  These are also the reasons why we picked your school last Spring. We knew the Montessori model would help foster your independence, your problem-solving skills and your sense of community responsibility. We thought the combination of routine and structure in a child-centered atmosphere was what you would thrive in best. And we were right.  

This week mommy and daddy are struggling with a very difficult decision: whether or not to try to move you to a different classroom in the Fall. You were placed in the Red room with one of your friends from last year, but not the other two. The red room teachers, in my opinion, are under qualified, and, considering how much money we are paying for you to be in school 8.5 hrs a day, we are fairly disappointed that your school would hire this person to teach you - or any other child. When I think to myself about this, I wonder if I'm being too picky, if I'm being the parent that constantly says "you're not good enough for my child". As a teacher, I really dispose these parents. They create issues where there are none, they are overly dramatic when there is no need.  I don't think I'm creating an issue here. We pay too much money to have someone teach you all day that A. doesn't have a degree, and B. does not seem to relate well to small children. And I don't think I'm being dramatic. Well, not yet at least.  While I know you will be just fine in any classroom, I am not comfortable putting you in a room with this particular "teacher" all day every day. And while I would love for you to be in a smaller classroom, as the Red room seems to be, I much prefer you being with your friends.

I love you too much to let you see mommy and daddy settle for anything short of what's best for you. It's all going to be ok. 

I love you,

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