Wednesday, February 6, 2013

two years, three months

Dear Zac,

I am so happy to have last week behind us. You are back to your usual happy, energetic, cooperative, well-rested, and secure self. You say "good night mommy. see you in the morning." in your sing-songy little voice and you go to sleep. You sleep through the night and wake up a reasonable hour, happy. You let mommy go to the bathroom. You let mommy make dinner. You let mommy walk out of the room. And you don't come screaming and running after me. I am really so very happy that last week is over.

And I still have no idea what was actually wrong.

However, this week, mommy and daddy (and tata) have noticed another tremendous leap in your verbal skills. You are engaging in complete conversations, you respond to questions, you are using dozens of adjectives, you talk about the future.

Today, you and Tata were talking about your cousins. You listed them all nicely, and then Tata asked about the baby in Micki's belly. She told you that the baby was going to come out soon and asked what you are going to do when you see the baby. "I give the baby kiss!"

Tonight, after your bath, as we were putting on your 'jamas, I notice that we are running out of diapers. I said "Zachary, we only have a few diapers left. What are you going to do when we don't have any left?" You thought for a moment and then responded "I wear underpants!" I followed-up with "Then where will the pee-pee go?" You said "I go pee-pee in the toilet!"

I like to believe that you know what you are saying, and that in a couple of weeks, we can start to save money on diapers. And spend more on laundry.

Happy 27 months, my big boy.


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