Thursday, February 14, 2013

two years, three months, one week

Dearest Zachary,

It's been another week of solid sleep, pleasant mood, great eating, and hilarious conversation.

Of course, there has been your usual occasional defiance. "I don't like it" and "I don't want to" are often heard coming out of your mouth.

You've been naked a lot more recently because when I try to get you dressed in the morning for school or at night for bed, you usually assert yourself saying, "I don't want to wear that! I need to pick one!" And then you proceed to empty the contents of your drawers. Eventually, however, you do end up "picking out" the same pajamas mommy and daddy already laid out for you.

It's important for me, and for anyone else who cares for you, to understand that when you say, "I don't want to", you really mean "I don't want to do it right now. If you give me a few minutes, or some incentive, or some reason I should do it and not you, than I am more than happy to oblige."

Last night the following conversation took place.

Me: (on my knees) Zachary, your sweatshirt is dirty. Please take it off and put it in the hamper.
You: I don't want to. Mommy do it.
Me: Mommy will help you take it off, but then you need to put it in the hamper.
You: I don't want to. Mommy put it in the hamper.
Me: But Zachary, it's not Mommy's sweatshirt. Please go put Zachary's sweatshirt in the hamper.
You: It's MY sweatshirt. (And then you ran to put it in the hamper)
You: I did it! (With a big smile on your face as if it was your idea to put it in the hamper in the first place).

I keep being reminded of that scene from My Big, Fat Greek Wedding where Tula's mother and aunt are trying to convince her father to let her go work at her aunt's travel agency. In that scene, the women plan to have the father think he came up with the idea on his own. And in the end, he does think the plan is his, and the women praise him for it.

Sound familiar?

I love you, even though it takes you 10 minutes to put on your shoes.


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