Wednesday, February 27, 2013

two years, three months, three weeks

Dearest Zac,

This week we welcomed another new member to our little family.


Oh my, how excited you were when we found him at Nordstrom after buying you a new pair of sneakers. Your face lit up and we just couldn't leave him there.  It was the cutest thing. We saw Big Bird and Grover and Cookie Monster, too, but your excitement for Elmo was just too cute. You carried Elmo around the mall hugging him under one arm (and eating his eyeballs). Mommy and Daddy have never seen you so happy about a doll.

Elmo sat with you in the stroller and "wanted" to be strapped in with you.

Elmo "wanted" to sit next to you.

And tonight, Elmo "wanted" to pee in the potty.  This made mommy very, very happy.

"Elmo go pee-pee on Zachary's potty! Elmo has to wait for the pee-pee to come OUT! Oh look, Mommy! It's coming! Oh nooooo, there's no pee-pee in there!"

Apparently Elmo doesn't know how to pee. 

Anyway, I'm very proud of you for all of your efforts on the potty. Twice this week you woke up in the morning with a dry diaper and peed on the potty. Today, you resisted, but that's ok. Actually, you resisted just about everything today...

Tomorrow we can try again.

I love you so much,


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