Wednesday, March 6, 2013

two years, four months

Dear Zachary,

I am so sorry I've been so sick lately. I notice how hard it is to see me at home and not be able to play with you. It's hard for mommy, too. Yesterday daddy picked you up from school and explained to you that mommy was at home, sick and in bed and that you needed to let mommy sleep. When you got home, you came to visit me in my room. You came up to my side of the bed, said "hi mommy. You sick? You need to sleep. Ok? See you later mommy." And left the room with daddy. Thank you for listening to daddy, for being understanding and for letting mommy sleep.

This week, I really wanted to blog about some of the more difficult parenting moments daddy and I are experiencing with you. Last night, after you threw your entire dinner, water, fork and spoon on the floor, I insisted we throw you in a bath to calm you down. You kicked and screamed for a good 10 minutes (long tantrum you've ever had) and then suddenly looked up at us with your happiest, most excited face and asked "are you ready? Yeah?" And then stuck your head under the faucet. Daddy's response was "there's my Zachary! I missed you!" And Mommy's response was "sometimes I don't understand you at all." I am glad the bath helped your mood and you were able to finish your dinner more peacefully the second time around.

I love you, my little unpredictable monster.

Happy 28 month birthday!!!

Love, mommy

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