Wednesday, March 27, 2013

two years, four months, three weeks

Dear Zachary,

Another vacation week means more quality time together.

Today we had a great day. We both slept really well last night and woke up in good moods, with a good amount of energy. After breakfast, we played together on the floor with cars then go dressed for an outing.

Today was Willow's first haircut and she really wanted you there to see. (You were eager to go, but totally lost interest once you saw all the toys in the salon.) Since Tata's car doesn't fit 3 car seats in the back, you and I traveled downtown on the subway. You were so excited because we don't take the subway all that often and you really enjoy it.

Before we left the house I asked you if you wanted to take the stroller or if you would walk. "I walk nicely," you said. And you did, mostly.

You were an absolute angel on the subway. You held my hand as we waited on the platform for the subway to come (the first one was packed so we had to wait 5 minutes for the next one, which was completely empty) and sat down on the seat when I asked you to. You sat the entire 35 minute ride. You looked out the window into the subway tunnel, you met another little boy your age, and you had a small snack. We talked about how it would be several stops before it was our turn to get off and you reminded me each time the subway pulled into another station that it was "Somebody else's stop."

Today was the first time I took you farther than the playground without a stroller and the most I had to carry you was halfway up the subway stairs. You didn't whine, you didn't squirm, you didn't ask to stand or get off the subway before our stop. I didn't feel frustrated once with traveling alone with you on the subway and I didn't regret leaving the stroller at home.

When we got home, I made up matzah brei and we sat down at the dining room table together. You love it when we do anything together but today was even more special to you because you got to sit in my seat at the table and not in your booster. I asked you before we sat down to eat where you wanted to sit and you said,

"I sit in mommy's chair."
I asked, "then where will I sit?"
"You sit in Zachary's chair! noooo! You get stuck! You sit in daddy's chair!"

Good idea, Zac. I reminded you that there is no throwing and you must sit while you eat or I would strap you into your booster (which you are starting to hate...along with being strapped into the stroller) You reassured me and said, "I sit nicely."

You really are doing everything so "nicely" today.

I'll probably write again this week because I am so enjoying our time together.

I love you so much,

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