Wednesday, January 30, 2013

two years, two months, three weeks

So Zac,

Remember how last week I was all grateful for how you can tell me about your day and I don't feel so left out of you life?

Well, this week, you switched thing up a bit.

I'm not sure if what you are going through right now is a stomach bug, teething or sleep regression. OR, something serious. There's a stomach thing going around the world right now, but you're not puking (just pooping in the bath tub). Your top last molars have cut through, but are still making their way down. Sleep regression around 2 years old isn't uncommon. So, all of those are plausible explanations for your constant clinginess, especially when you should be asleep. Say, at 4:30 in the morning.

If you could only just say, "Hey mommy, ya know, these molars are really hurting! Please apply some teething gel?" or, "Mommy, my tummy hurts. Can you please just rub my back while I try to fall asleep?" Or, "I'm experiencing another bout of separation anxiety and really just need to make sure you're still home in the middle of the night."  Any of those would be really great to hear right about now.

Of course, as I write this letter, you are quiet in your crib. You are not screaming my name as you have been for the past 4 nights. You did not beg me to stay in your room after good night kisses. You actually sound like you might fall asleep in the next few breaths. Certainly before I publish this blog.

Yup, you're asleep.

Mommy now sounds like a big, fat liar.

Well, I'm grateful that whatever it is that's been causing you so much distress to the point of interfering with your appetite and your mood and your sleep these past few days is resolving itself.

Sleep well, little monkey. I'll see you in the morning.


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