Wednesday, January 16, 2013

two years, two months, one week

Dear Zac,

This week I've noticed a huge leap in your cognitive and social development. Specifically in you're ability to distinguish between what "listening" and "not listening" is.

Since you turned 2 you have been becoming more and more defiant. And, you seem to be aware of your defiance.

On Tuesday morning you woke up extra early. (5:30! I think because your last molar finally cut through.) You were a chatterbox from the start. You insisted on wearing your oveeyalls to school and when I finally had you dressed and ready to put your shoes and jacket on, you insisted on sitting (and doing nothing, mind you) on the toilet. You sat for about 8 seconds (maybe less) and jumped, bottomless, into my lap stating you were "all done" and "need to flush the toilet together". I started to get your diaper and overalls back on and you were wiggling all over the place. I reminded you that we needed to get to school. You looked up at me and said "Mommy, I'm not listening."

Daddy took you on a special trip after school yesterday. You were very excited to tell me all about it. "I went to museum. I went on subway. I saw lions and gorillas and giraffes and buffalo! I ate snack in stroller. I listen to Daddy."

When you talk about school, you often add "I need to listen to Trudi" or "I was listening. I did it myself."

I'm glad you are aware when other people are speaking to you. This is such an important thing to know how to do. I am proud of you when you listen and I hope you will learn to enjoy listening to others and one day find value in what other people have to say.

I love you so much,

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