Wednesday, January 9, 2013

two years, two months

Dear Zac,

You are growing so fast, I'm having a hard time keeping up. I thought that in this week's letter I would write out where you are in your development. I know you can do a whole lot more that just what's on this list, but I wanted to get at least some of this written down before you learn a whole new set of skills and I forget what you were doing at 26 months.

You are now able to:

-open doors "secured" with heavy magnets, cupboards in the kitchen, and, to your greatest pleasure, the refrigerator.

-undress yourself completely. Asking you if you want "naked time" is great motivation for getting you out of your booster and ready for your bath.

-put on and take off and put away your shoes by the front door. Your shoes are always beautifully aligned at the front door. Usually blocking the front door.

-put on and take off your jacket and hat.

-feed yourself a cup of apple sauce at a ridiculously fast pace (think more "inhaling" versus "eating") and you only drip one or two drops. It's pretty cute watching you scrape the sides of the cup to get every. last. drop.

-recite about 15 (maybe more) books, singing about 20 songs, independently and in their entirety.

-ask what things are. And then tell me I'm wrong and laugh. (Apparently the hamper is not a hamper. It's a frog.)

-tell me when you're tired, hungry, in pain

-demand sympathy. The other day you were crying about something and you KNEW if wasn't a big deal. You came over to me and said "I'm cryyyyiiiiing!" A few minutes later something else was bothering you and came back to me "I'm crying AGAIN, mommy!"

I'm very much looking forward to seeing what next week holds.

I love you so much pumpkin.


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