Tuesday, December 18, 2012

two years, one month, three weeks

Dear Zac,

Yet another difficult week. Unfortunately, you are too much like your mommy and get sick during vacations. This time, you had a fever for nearly 4 days, followed by a really yucky wet cough. We canceled a lot of plans and, because it's been so cold and windy, we've kept you home. For a week. 2-years (and their mommies and daddies) go stir crazy after just a few days, and we've been home for a week.

Honestly, pumpkin, you've been a royal pain in the butt. Every other word is either "no!" or "mommy!!" I get that you haven't been feeling well. I get that your teeth hurt. I get that mommy is comforting. But, the incessant whining, crying, throwing toys, and multiple middle of the night wake-ups are getting old. And now mommy and daddy are getting sick (again), too!

Last Friday, when you were probably the sickest you've ever been, you sat on my lap for 3 hours trying to get comfortable. You couldn't decide if you wanted to sleep on my chest, sit on the couch with your feet on me, or stand on the floor with your head in my lap. You, my little boy, who is generally a constant chatterbox, or jukebox, were pretty much silent for those hours. Pretty pathetic, actually, but also so sweet. I decided to treat you to a movie on the couch. Your first full-length movie: Annie. Thank god for all that singing and dancing, and, of course, Sandy.

Today, Wednesday, was probably that first good day you've had in a week and I am very eager and excited to plan as many play dates in the next 5 days as I can. We need to get OUT!

Looking forward to that final molar (top right) cutting through and a return to more restful sleep for all.

Night night pumpkin.
See you in the morning (if not before).

Love always,

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