Wednesday, December 12, 2012

two years, one month, one week

Dear Zachary,

Boogers. Lots and lots of boogers.

Thanks for sticking your finger in your nose and running to tell me, "boogers!"

How about this: Keep your boogers to yourself and tell me when you need to use the potty.

While your boogers are, strangely enough, part of teething and NOT part of a cold, mommy's got a pretty bad cold and I'm pretty sure you're next. So, I guess we're in the market for more boogers.


Hey, thanks for bringing me a pillow the other day when I was lying on the floor while you played with your new train set. You were so sweet when you saw me resting. "Mommy's tired. You rest on pillow." Thanks, Pumpkin.

I love that train set, by the way. You play with it for HOURS at a time. It's by far your favorite toy.

Sorry for the short letter this week. Mommy's tired and I need to rest on my pillow.


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