Saturday, December 29, 2012

"it's not MY gosh..."

You've been very focused on the word "mine" lately. Like all 2-year-olds, I think, you think everything belongs to you. We try to help you label what is and what isn't yours. The clothes you wear are yours, the food on your plate is yours, all the toys at our home are yours. Mommy's iPad is not yours, the stuff on daddy's dresser is not yours, the food on mommy and daddy's plates (unless we are sharing) is not yours.

You've pretty much got all that down and enjoy identifying things for yourself. "This is my cereal" or "my books" and "that's daddy's water" or "this is Mommy's shoes."

Sometimes, you get confused about HOW the word "my" works.

A few days ago you walked up to daddy and said "oh my gosh, daddy!"

As if that wasn't cute enough out of your 2-year-old mouth...

You looked over to me, a little confused and said.

"It's not MY gosh. It's daddy's gosh."

I absolutely love listening to you explore language.

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