Tuesday, May 28, 2013

two years, six months, 3 + weeks

Dear Zac,

I'm sorry I wasn't home so much today. I know after spending a 3-day weekend together, it was hard to get back into our regular routine. Bedtime was particularly difficult tonight. Not because it took you a long time to fall asleep (it didn't take too long), but because when I was tucking you in, you grabbed my hand and said "I hold your hand so you can't leave me. stay with me mommy. sleep in here with me." This totally broke my heart, as you've been doing so much lately.

At times I wish we hadn't done any sleep training and continued co-sleeping past 4 months. Now, I just want you to be snuggling with us in bed until we all fall asleep together. You haven't fallen asleep in my arms since you were about 9 months old and I miss it very much. You just wanted (and needed) to be in your own bed, and you slept much better not being able to smell me all night.

We are just about done with potty training, and I know this whole process has made you feel both more independent and more clingy.  You now take yourself to the bathroom and don't really need any help there. You even clean out the little potty after you use it.

Yesterday was an emotional potty day for us. We were out all day and you clearly needed to poop. (you said so about a dozen times) Hours of back and forth and finally I gave up and told you it was ok to wait and poop at home, which you did.

Today you were home with Daddy after school. You announced needing to poop and went by yourself to the bathroom and did. We are so proud.

The next project we'll tackle is transition to the big boy bed. We have already started the conversation and you know it's coming. And you're excited. As soon as school ends, we'll give it another shot.

Love you, pumpkin.


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