Friday, May 10, 2013

Spring report card!

I'm a very proud mommy! Your spring report card came last night. I can't believe it's almost summer. We love your school, and your class, so much. I wish you could stay in the Turquoise room next year...

"Zachary is a very attentive child who notices the differences in his environment. When new materials are placed on the shelves, Zachary becomes intrigued and will attempt to use the work. If he is unfamiliar with the process he will ask for help. Zachary is very observant during our walks; as he notices when we are heading back to the school will state, “We are going back to school now!” or “Turn in here, the school is right there (pointing) as we cross the street.” Zachary is independent and in the process of toilet training. He is able to pull his clothing up and down without help and change his clothing with little assistance. He is able to verbalize when he needs to use the toilet and often states to a teacher, “I need to pee, okay (pointing his index finger)!” or “I’m going to pee now, in the toilet (pointing). Zachary is able to recall information that occurred in the past, “I bumped my head on the toilet at home and I have a boo-boo and I cried” and during a visit to the playground he stated, “I fall down on the ladder and was hanging and I cried.” In times of excitement in the classroom, Zachary scatters his work and when asked how we treat the materials he states, “We need to be gentle with the work because it can break, then we have to put it in the garbage and we won’t have any more work to use (pointing)”. This shows his ability to recall, process, and verbalize possible outcomes. He is very interested in letters and numbers. He knows the sounds of ten letters and is able to match objects with their beginning sounds. During an ‘All About Me’ a parent was reading a book and Zachary said, “There’s a Z for Zachary.” He can recognize all of his classmates name cards. Zachary enjoys matching numbers and quantity with minimal help. He recognizes the numbers from 1-9 but gets a little confused with number 6 and 9. Zachary has been a pleasure to work with this school year and will be missed dearly."

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