Thursday, June 6, 2013

two years, seven months

Dear Zac,

As I sit here writing this letter to you, a day late, but on the day you turn 2 years and 7 months, you are having a hard time falling asleep. Again.

Now that potty training is pretty much done (no accidents in well over a week and pooping regularly in the potty both at home and at school), we are getting ready to transition you to a big boy bed. I keep thinking, tho, that even though you are past 2 and a half, you are potty trained, you can do most things independently, you are just not ready to be out of the crib. And I don't think this is a case of mommy isn't ready for her baby to grow up. I'm actually thinking, my big boy is just not ready to sleep in a bed without sides. Guard rails, bumpers, whatever, won't do it. You need to be in a crib.

Why do I think this? Where is this gut feeling coming from? I'll tell you.

Mommy and Daddy did such an excellent job training you to sleep in your crib that you can't sleep anywhere else. Except the car. And only if it's at least an hour or two past your nap time. (But considering all the struggles lately with bed time, it's no like your crib is actually that much easier lately.)  You seem to really only resist bedtime when I'm home alone with you which is beyond frustrating (like tonight). At least on nights like these, if you throw an "I don't want to go to sleep!" tantrum, I can at least keep you in your bed.

So, I don't really know what to do about your sleeping arrangements, though I do know when we get to California for our summer vacation, there will be no crib there...

I love you, my little active man. Sweet dreams,


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