Tuesday, May 28, 2013

two years, six months, 3 + weeks

Dear Zac,

I'm sorry I wasn't home so much today. I know after spending a 3-day weekend together, it was hard to get back into our regular routine. Bedtime was particularly difficult tonight. Not because it took you a long time to fall asleep (it didn't take too long), but because when I was tucking you in, you grabbed my hand and said "I hold your hand so you can't leave me. stay with me mommy. sleep in here with me." This totally broke my heart, as you've been doing so much lately.

At times I wish we hadn't done any sleep training and continued co-sleeping past 4 months. Now, I just want you to be snuggling with us in bed until we all fall asleep together. You haven't fallen asleep in my arms since you were about 9 months old and I miss it very much. You just wanted (and needed) to be in your own bed, and you slept much better not being able to smell me all night.

We are just about done with potty training, and I know this whole process has made you feel both more independent and more clingy.  You now take yourself to the bathroom and don't really need any help there. You even clean out the little potty after you use it.

Yesterday was an emotional potty day for us. We were out all day and you clearly needed to poop. (you said so about a dozen times) Hours of back and forth and finally I gave up and told you it was ok to wait and poop at home, which you did.

Today you were home with Daddy after school. You announced needing to poop and went by yourself to the bathroom and did. We are so proud.

The next project we'll tackle is transition to the big boy bed. We have already started the conversation and you know it's coming. And you're excited. As soon as school ends, we'll give it another shot.

Love you, pumpkin.


Friday, May 24, 2013

"I need cough syrup"

Last week you had a pretty annoying nighttime cough. You would be coughing for 20-30 minutes non-stop in your sleep. We started giving you cough syrup during the day and within a few days,  the cough was gone. And so we stopped giving you cough syrup. 

Here's the conversation you and I had in the bathroom yesterday. 

Zac: I need cough syrup. Could I have cough syrup, please?
Me: No, you don't. 
Zac: I do. Yes, yes, I do need cough syrup. 
Me: You don't need cough syrup, Zachary. You're not coughing. 
Zac: (not missing a beat) *cough cough* I coughing now. I do need cough syrup. 


two years, six months, (almost) three weeks

Dear Zac,

I can't wait for you to stop telling me what you know you're supposed to do and actually just do it. 

When mommy says stop, I really do mean stop. It is not enough for you to just tell me that you know you should have stopped. And yes, you fell down a flight of stone stairs in Central Park last Friday because you were not listening. 

I've had days of nightmares now. Each time I watch you fall over and over again. Each time it ends worse than the day it actually happened. Though there isn't a bump, scratch or bruise on you (miracle?), in my nightmares you land at the bottom covered in blood, head to toe.  I'm sorry. I don't usually write so much about my fears about raising you, but this week's been tough. 

I worry when you'll grow out of this impulsivity. Obviously your feeling of invincibility will last several more years (someone recently joked that it could last well into your twenties! Yikes!), but at some point you will need to be aware of putting your body in real danger. 

This week was a good week in terms of taking walks and trusting you won't run away. You prepare me before each walk and say "I walk nicely. I hold Mommy's hand to cross the street. I don't run away from mommy. Or I sit in the stroller with straps." I hope you won't need too many more reminders about not running into the street. You've been very good about waiting at the corner for the light to change. I think we're ready to move on to "look both ways before crossing", though in NYC you need to walk half way into the crosswalk to see if anyone's speeding through. 

Please keep your body safe, little man. I really can't handle more scares like last Friday. 

Be safe, pumpkin. I love you like crazy. 


Thursday, May 16, 2013

two years, six months, one week

Dear Zachary,

Sorry for all the potty-related letters lately. I promise there won't be too many more. I am just SO proud of you for all your potty accomplishments!

This week we are really working on the poop-training. To say that you are not having an easy time would be am understatement. You know when you have to poop and you know what you have to do, but when it comes to sitting on the potty and getting it done, you freak out. You would rather hold it in that have an accident and tonight, during the two hour back and forth to the potty, you told me "the poop doesn't want to come out. It needs to stay in my butt!" Finally you couldn't hold it in any longer and you did sit on the potty long enough for it to all come out.

Yesterday mommy went to your school for your spring parent-teacher conference. Your teachers love you so much and are really very happy to have you in their class. You are excelling at math and language skills. You count items accurately and can read short 3-letter words by sounding them out. You are always happy and curious and your teachers commented on your healthy attachment and that you never cry for me. You eat well, nap well, and play nicely with the other kids. You spend a good amount of time testing limits and exploring your own strength. They laughed as they explained to me how many plates and glasses you have broken... Yikes!

I hope you always love school this much and that I can keep up with you this summer!

Lots of love,

Friday, May 10, 2013

Spring report card!

I'm a very proud mommy! Your spring report card came last night. I can't believe it's almost summer. We love your school, and your class, so much. I wish you could stay in the Turquoise room next year...

"Zachary is a very attentive child who notices the differences in his environment. When new materials are placed on the shelves, Zachary becomes intrigued and will attempt to use the work. If he is unfamiliar with the process he will ask for help. Zachary is very observant during our walks; as he notices when we are heading back to the school will state, “We are going back to school now!” or “Turn in here, the school is right there (pointing) as we cross the street.” Zachary is independent and in the process of toilet training. He is able to pull his clothing up and down without help and change his clothing with little assistance. He is able to verbalize when he needs to use the toilet and often states to a teacher, “I need to pee, okay (pointing his index finger)!” or “I’m going to pee now, in the toilet (pointing). Zachary is able to recall information that occurred in the past, “I bumped my head on the toilet at home and I have a boo-boo and I cried” and during a visit to the playground he stated, “I fall down on the ladder and was hanging and I cried.” In times of excitement in the classroom, Zachary scatters his work and when asked how we treat the materials he states, “We need to be gentle with the work because it can break, then we have to put it in the garbage and we won’t have any more work to use (pointing)”. This shows his ability to recall, process, and verbalize possible outcomes. He is very interested in letters and numbers. He knows the sounds of ten letters and is able to match objects with their beginning sounds. During an ‘All About Me’ a parent was reading a book and Zachary said, “There’s a Z for Zachary.” He can recognize all of his classmates name cards. Zachary enjoys matching numbers and quantity with minimal help. He recognizes the numbers from 1-9 but gets a little confused with number 6 and 9. Zachary has been a pleasure to work with this school year and will be missed dearly."

Monday, May 6, 2013

two years, six months!

Dear Zachary,

HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY! Today, you are officially two and half years old!

And it was a big day for you, too! I've been writing a lot recently about potty training and today you really hit a milestone: you ASKED to go to the bathroom to poop at school. You have no idea how proud I am of you. And how relieved that you figured it out. Well, today you had it figured out at least.

This past weekend we celebrated your half-birthday with a trip to Riverside Park on your new tricycle (thank you, tata!) and wearing you new tie-dye peace sign helmet. We rode (or rather, pushed you) in the park for about 20 minutes and then stopped at an ice cream stand for your first taste of ice cream, a chipwhich that you shared with daddy. The ice cream was hard and over-frozen and you only ate a little bit, but you liked it and will gladly eat more then next time we treat you to some. (probably at Ben & Jerry's next time) Daddy was disappointed that the ice cream wasn't better quality, but I assured him that you won't remember how your first ice cream tasted.

Here's a picture of you on you tricycle followed by a picture of you and your first ice cream. I'm looking forward to many more moments like these this summer!

I love you,