Wednesday, April 24, 2013

two years, five months, two and a half weeks

Dear Zac,

Last weekend Mommy and Daddy went on our first vacation since you were inside Mommy's belly. We went to the Bahamas to celebrate Danielle's Bat Mitzvah. We missed you a lot, but you had a good time at home with Tata.

On Friday afternoon we Skyped to see how your day went at school. You were excited to see us, but you didn't miss us at all.

On Saturday afternoon we skyped again. You were immersed in coloring with Saba and it took some effort on Tata's part to get you to come to the computer. You really didn't care that you hadn't seen either Mommy or Daddy in more that 24 hours. You even went so far as to say "I don't want to talk to Mommy!"

I'm so proud of you for doing so well without Mommy or Daddy for a whole weekend. Although I was a little sad that you didn't notice that we were gone, and didn't shed a tear that Mommy was "on her trip", I'm really happy that you are becoming such an independent little boy and that separation doesn't seem to be a big issue.


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