Tuesday, April 30, 2013

two years, five months, four (ish) weeks

Dear Zac-Zac,

This will be a short letter because you are having a very difficult time falling asleep tonight and you've been calling for me on and off for over half an hour now.

I'm not sure what's been going in for you this past week, but tonight is not the first night it's taken you so long to fall asleep. Actually, a few nights ago it took you well over an hour to fall asleep. And you were up just a few hours later.

Are you getting sick?
Am I spending too little time with you?
Is potty training too rough?

I hate to hear you struggle so much, exhausted from your little day...

This week I really wanted to blog about how affectionate you've been recently, how you hug me randomly and say "I love you" without prompting. Without me saying it first. Hug you snuggle on the floor and pretend to "sleep on mommy". How you hug your teachers and your friends' parents of your own volition. How "please" and "thank you" and "excuse me" are integrated completely into your vocabulary and I rarely have to remind you how to ask nicely. (Tonight, I forgot to put your fork on your table and you asked, immediately, "mommy, can I have a fork, please?" And you were sincere, not whiny.) I'd like to think mommy and daddy are modeling that behavior for you, but I know we have your school to thank for reinforcing it.

You are still not asleep, an hour and 10 minutes after I said good night the first time. You have, in the past hour, "accidentally" kicked the side of your bed and needed lotion and kisses, had cold feet and needed socks, needed a different color on your night light, and, of course, pooped. I'm hoping the latter event was what's been keeping you up tonight and you'll be fast asleep soon. I know I will be.

The weekend is coming soon and I hope we'll make up at least a little bit of this lost sleep.

Good night, sleepy head. I'll see you in the morning. I love you.


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