Wednesday, November 14, 2012

two years, one week

Dear Zac,

What a busy week you had! Your Grandma, Grandpa and Bobé all flew in from California to celebrate your birthday. On Sunday, we celebrated your birthday with a party at home. Mommy made you vegan gingerbread cookies and Tata made you a chocolate cake. You happily devoured several cookies, but when it came time for the cake, you had absolutely no interest. Tata sat you in your booster and offered you your first taste of chocolate. After several attempts at persuading you to take a bite, (yes, I had to beg you to try chocolate!) I finally gave you yet another cookie.

On Monday morning, Mommy and Daddy went to our very first parent-teacher conference. You have quickly warmed the hearts of your teachers and classmates. Your teachers noted that you are both "the youngest in the class, and the oldest" - chronologically, you are the youngest by several months, but you are more verbal, more alert, and a leader among your friends. My little creature of habit, you wait until everyone is asleep and for your teachers to be in the same chair every day before you can take your nap.   If they move to a different place in the room, you won't nap. You notice everything and everyone and are so curious to learn new things. You greet your teachers and friends at the door with a "hello" and their name and a smile,  and you know where everyone is at all times. When someone is late to school, you notice and you ask where they are. When someone leaves the room, you notice and you ask where they are going.

One thing your teachers notice and love about you, and this is something that makes me so happy and proud, is that you are so assertive with your words and not with your body. You don't grab, you don't hit, and you don't push. You use words to express yourself, to express your needs and your wants. (Sometimes quite emphatically!)

I am so proud and so moved by how caring and and considerate you are becoming. You are a happy little boy and I am a very, very lucky mommy.

All my love,

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