Tuesday, November 5, 2013

two years, 364 days.

Dear Zachary, 

In addition to my letter, which I will write tomorrow, for your third birthday I wanted to make a list of everything you've learned how to do in the past year. 

1. Get dressed on your own. Socks are still a bit tricky, and you don't know how to tie your shoes, yet. But, you can put on underwear, pants, shirts, sweatshirts, hats and jackets with little to no help from mommy and daddy. 
2. Go to the bathroom when you need to. 
3. Sound out short words. 
4. Spell your name and attempt to spell (with quite a bit of accuracy!) names of other people and some words. 
5. Write a few letters, including Z, A and C!
6. Do mazes and connect the dots up to 20.
7. Count to 60! (Tho you regularly skip "16")
8. Count backwards from 10.
9. Verbalize your daily routine, in sequence. 
10. Make yourself and other laugh. 
11. Sing entire songs in both English and Hebrew. 
12. Pour a cup of water. 

I'm sure there are more...

I love watching you grow and develop new skills!

So much love,

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