Monday, August 19, 2013

two years, nine months, two weeks

Dear Zachary,

Sometime when I overhear you reprimanding your toys, I think, I'm not doing this parenting thing so well. You will be yelling at Elmo, telling him to get back in bed, that it's not time to talk.

And other times, I overhear you approach Elmo with gentleness. You wrap him in your favorite giraffe blanket and hold him in your arms, saying "sh, Elmo, it's ok. I'm here, I'm here. I'm right here with you Elmo. I'm not going anywhere. I love you, Elmo."

And I know we're all going to be ok.

I love you, my sweet boy,


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

two years, nine months

Happy three-quarter birthday!

I can feel your third birthday approaching. So many things that used to be so difficult about parenting you are getting easier. The "terrible two's" have certainly had their terrible moments, and I have certainly have had my terrible moments, too. 

What I'm most happy about is that you are starting to listen more and more to what mommy and daddy are telling you. You rarely fight to get in your stroller when you need to be in your stroller (running late, crowded areas, too far for you to walk), you don't hesitate often to take my hand when crossing the street, and, finally, I'm not afraid that you will run into the street because you "want to." 

You are starting to walk and not run everywhere you go - especially on the sidewalk and around the pool. I love being able to walk with you and talk about your life. I couldn't do that when I spent most of our time together chasing you. 

Until next week,